Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5 Months!

Our sweet pea is 5 months old! She is growing up so fast and changing daily. I have no idea as to how much she weighs these days but I know she's getting heavier when I'm toting that car seat around plus she has moved up a size in diapers to the 2-3s. My right arm is going to be huge by the time she's a year old :) Who says new moms need to pump iron? Harper is still in "snack mode" as I like to call it. She eats every three hours and if we're lucky she'll eat 4 1/2 ounces. Dr. Lange would like for her to make it to 6 or 7 so she will sleep more through the night but hey, I'm not force feeding her nor do I want to develop bad eating habits. For now, mama is perfectly fine taking an hour twice a night to feed our little pumpkin.


Harper laughs and babbles away every day. Makes Grant and I smile every time and she has developed such a sweet little personality. She is in love with her feet and her cute little toes and sometimes they make it into her mouth. Pawpaw says she better enjoy that now because when she gets older, no can do buckaroo. Some of my favorite time with Harper is in the morning right after she wakes up and her bath time. Every morning Harper wakes up goo and gaaing away. We sit in her rocking chair and rock for about 20 minutes to make sure she's good and awake before I plop her on the changing table. She is so cuddly in the mornings and every day my heart pours out for her. We've introduced rice cereal into her diet and that can be quite hilarious too. The other day she decided she was over the cereal but I kept trying to offer it so she clinched up both fists and make this face with a squeal to say, "no more"! Can we say Attitude?!




Crawling and sitting up have been the latest on her agenda. She can get anywhere going backwards and pretty darn quick. She will get up on her hands and knees but I don't think her legs are strong enough to do the rocking back and forth. She is doing a pretty good job at sitting up as far as support goes but she is very wobbly.

Learning to hold her own bottle


Harper brings such a joy to our life and we thank God every day for our little miracle baby!