Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Positive News

Well, we had our appointment with the fertility specialist this morning. Everything went well and for the most part we had positive notes on our chart. On a list of 12 or so items, we are only having to test for two. On Thursday I am scheduled to have a Sonohysterogram done which is an ultrasound of your uterus while it is filled with saline. The saline helps to highlight the uterus and any irregularities within it, including structural abnormalities, fibroids, polyps and scar tissue. Many of these problems can be surgically corrected. The other test is for aging oocytes which is a risk of genetically impaired eggs that increases with age. They can diagnose this problem with a simple blood test. We will have the results for both tests around December 15th.

Dr. Valdez was optimistic about our goals with regard to start trying again. She said with our age and overall medical history, things looked like they were in our favor.

We are relieved and excited that whatever the diagnosis may be, we will still be able to concieve and have children of our own.

Grant and I appreciate the ongoing prayers and support from our family and friends. It is such a blessing to be loved this much! I thank God every day for my very supportive husband and know that our faith will pull us through.