Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Twenty Twenty

We took Harper in for a check-up with Dr. Gonzales, a Pediatric Opthamologist, last week to make sure the Hemangioma growing above her eye wasn't pushing on the ocular nerve or causing any harm to her vision. He dilated her eyes and everything looks perfect. We go back in three months for a re-check however he said that he doesn't think it will cause her any problems. Generally when they move onto the eyelid that's when it becomes an issue. I am glad that we were proactive about it and that I do not have to worry about anything!

Harper had her first day at church this past weekend and everything was smooth sailing. Of course mom dressed her up in a cute dress, tights and a bow! The nursery ladies are so very sweet and she didn't seem to mind at all. Most of all, mom and dad survived. It is good to be getting back into the Sunday morning routine :) Makes out for a wonderful start to our week. I am waiting for the day she plays and sings the little songs she learns in Sunday school. Amber and Brian, our friends, are have recently posted about how their son sings Jesus Loves Me to his new baby sister. A sure way to melt a mother's heart and I can't wait.

Harper has developed a little bit of a shyness towards "strangers". If I'm holding her and someone talks to her, she'll give them a big smile and hide her face in my chest. She must get that from me because her daddy knows no stranger. She is much more verbal lately and it is so fun to listen to. Even the high pitch screaming she does when she doesn't get her way. Although, she seems to have started that waaay too early. We may be in trouble!

Bathtime has been quite exciting at our house. Harper moves her arms and kicks her legs, splashing water everywhere. It is fun to see her get so excited and I hope to post a video of this soon.