Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Spring!

Time is flying by fast. Can you believe it’s April??

Little Harper Caroline is growing up so fast! She went in for her 4 month appointment last week and did very well. She is 15.7 pounds, 26 inches long and in the 85th percentile. Harper is a very strong-willed little girl. She already knows how to be sweet on her daddy, knows how to manipulate mom a little when it comes to going to bed on her own, and knows how to persuade Gigi to buy her fun toys all of the time (okay, not yet but that’s coming soon). We can tell that she is eager to sit up and explore. She is always bright-eyed and attentive to what’s going on around her. Harper is extremely alert and if she were able to get into everything, I guarantee she would. Occasionally I get a snap shot of this unmistakably mischievous look she gives us. My, we’re going to have our hands full! I’ve noticed that when sitting down for a meal I can no longer let her get close to my plate or else her hands would be all in my food. I wonder if the smacking of her lips means she’s ready for food?! Not yet, Dr. Lange says. We have to wait until she’s 6 months old for cereal and baby food.


An update on the Hemangioma…. Dr. Lange feels that it is continuing to grow pretty rapidly so we have been sent over to a specialist with Texas Children’s. Our appointment is April 29th at 9 am. There are several options for treatment but most have moderate to severe side effects. Something I am not looking forward to. I will continue to pray about this….. and I know God is in control.

Harper and Walker have gotten to spend a lot of time together and I can’t wait until they are able to interact a little better. For now, Walker steals her binkie or bow, swats at her and the dogs with wooden spoons or sometimes gives her this look like “what are you crying for, missy?” I’m sure they will be great friends – we are so blessed! Speaking of bows, I might have a small obsession with them. Harper has one in every color imaginable and I keep buying them. I’m sure you have noticed that she has one on in almost every stinkin picture. But they are so darn cute!


Work is going well for Grant and me. A 40-hour work week doesn’t exist for Grant but he’s trucking along and making the BEST of this new opportunity. There are lots of kinks to be ironed out but very soon, his hard work will all pay off. He is very good at what he does and I know he’ll be there for a long while.

Grant and I celebrated his 33rd birthday on Saturday. We had some excellent sushi and quality time together. Happy Birthday, my love.

The Nail Family is in the process of making some big decisions on where to raise our family. There are a lot of options in Houston but it doesn’t seem that we’ve found exactly what we want just yet. Who knows what the future will bring?!

She loves her new swing!


Sportin the baby legs from Mimi and Uggs from Aunt Meesh


My baby love
