Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

We had the loveliest time for Memorial Day and Dad's birthday this past weekend. We packed up early Friday afternoon and headed north to Dad and Irene's beautiful "retreat" on Lake Conroe. It was a full house on the way up; Grant and Stephen in the front seat, me, Harley, Allie and Baby Walker in the back and Shelby and Shiner in the cage in the bed of the truck. It felt like when we drove our blue aerostar to Arizona.... packed and things everywhere - of course minus the 25 hour drive. I say their place is a "retreat" because that's what it feels like when we're there. You wake up in the morning to the smell of dad cooking breakfast, a pot of coffee brewing and you read the newspaper in the crisp morning air on the front porch overlooking the lake. No alarm clocks, no work, generally no phone calls... it's just you and whatever you want to make of it.

Grant and Stephen ransacked good ole Conroe Wal-Mart for a few board games and we had the BEST fun with that. I'd have to say that we have one of the most competitive families I know. Who knew we were so good at drawing with our eyes closed, sculpting stuff out of clay or spelling words backwards?? But don't ask Wade how to spell Hawaii backwards nor ask me to charade out the word "Toaster". What?! Needless to say my motions of toast popping out of the toaster were quite hilarious. Michelle wasn't able to make it out to dad's because Nick's birthday happens to fall the day after so they were celebrating with friends at the Astros game and what not. We'll have to bust out the board games for Father's Day when we're all at the house and see what happens!

I also got to spend some precious time with baby Walker while the fam went out on the boat. He loves his Auntie Krystal!

I had an OB check this morning and everything was wonderful! We are measuring a week and a half early so at about 16 weeks. Baby's heartbeat was a loud and healthy 160 bpm. Go Baby! I had a lengthy convo with Dr. Plavidal with regard to the child birthing classes, epidurals etc and it seems that I have a lot of research and reading to do. Two more weeks until we find out what it is hopefully!!! June 8th here we come!