Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let's get organized!

So, lately I have felt the need to be VERY organized. I have cleaned up every lingering item in my office (my maternity leave will be so grateful), scheduled a photo session for my maternity pics as well as Harper's newborn pics and our 3D/4D ultrasound. I think it's my way of curving the itch to get the nursery done. Ah, the good ole nursery.... When we moved we made that our "dump" room. Anything that we didn't need to use immediately got dumped there, Allie's garage sale pile got dumped there and last but not least anything that my lovely husband packed got dumped there. Why did anything Grant packed go in the room you ask? Let me give you a nice visual..... Grant's way of packing the oh so organized medicine cabinet was taking his two giant arms and "carefully" scooping everything into an open plastic bin. Now you see why it's in the dump room? While I might sound a little whiny about the dump room, I really just have to laugh at the Grantisms.

I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!