Sunday, August 23, 2009

She Get it From Her Mama

So.... I know you all are anxiously awaiting the photos from our ultrasound on Thursday. Well, little miss Harper seems to be a stubborn little girl and insisted on still having those knees literally touching her nose. Although she wasn't supposed to, the ultrasound tech printed off two microscopic pictures for me to show everyone and scheduled round three in hopes of getting a better look. As I was reading through one of my baby magazines last night it stated that around 28 weeks the baby gets into the typical fetal position -- knees to the chest -- and I thought, well this must indicate that she's just ahead of the game, still measuring early and probably long like her handsome daddy.

Below the 2D is just a profile pic and the 3D is her face on the right and her beautiful knee on the left. Even though we weren't able to get a full view of her face, I'm sure the world noticed as Grant and I fell deeper in love with God's miracle. He has chosen such a beautiful little girl for us and we are so very proud!



Grant and I are still getting ready for Harper's arrival. Each weekend we try to take one project at a time and really organize things. I even have my label maker here, lol. I'm such a nerd -- I know.

Clear Channel has kept Grant very busy these days however he has been so good about balancing work and family and for that I am forever grateful. I personally know how easy it is to let work consume your entire life.

We have an OB check tomorrow then another ultrasound scheduled for August 31st and Sept 3rd. Hopefully will have some fun info to share with you then.

Love, love.